Excel Spreadsheet Options Tab¶
The Options page appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the controls on this Options page to customize the structure of a Excel Spreadsheet report.
Sort by¶
Choose the way you would like to organize the volunteer information in your Excel Spreadsheet report.
Volunteer name¶
Choose Volunteer name if you want to see information to be listed alphabetically by volunteer last name.
Volunteer number¶
Choose Volunteer number if you want to see volunteer information listed by (ascending) volunteer number.
Include column headings
Check the 'Include column headings' box to include the field name as a column heading in the worksheet's first row.
Include volunteer names in 'child' records
If this option is not checked, any worksheets other than the "Master" worksheet will identify information by volunteer number rather than volunteer name, regardless of the system operator's selection on the Options page. Choose this option to display volunteer names in a column in 'child' records.
Only include non-archived volunteer records
Select this option if you would like the spread sheet to include only volunteer records that have not been archived. Use the Include tab for the report to specify which non-archived volunteer records should be included.
Only include archived volunteer records
Select this option if you would like the spread sheet to include only volunteer records that are currently archived. Use the Include tab for the report to specify which archived volunteer records should be included.
Include non-archived and archived volunteer records
Select this option if you would like the spread sheet to include both volunteer records that are not currently archived and those that are currently archived. Use the Include tab for the report to specify which volunteer records should be included.
When you're finished choosing the Options for your report, click Next to continue to the next step.