Schedule Options Tab¶
The Options page appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the controls on the Options page to customize the structure of a Schedule report. Your selections here will also affect the choices available on the Include tab of the report.
Group schedules by:¶
Choose the way you would like to organize the information in your Schedule report.
All together¶
Choose All together if you want the schedule to list all scheduled volunteers and/or unfilled openings for the date range selected without separating Sites, Places or Assignments.
Choose Site if you want the schedule to list all scheduled volunteers and/or unfilled openings for the date range selected organized by Site. Each Site's schedule will appear separately and you can optionally choose to have each Site's schedule start on a new page.
Site & Place¶
Choose Site & Place if you want the schedule to list all scheduled volunteers and/or unfilled openings for the date range selected organized by Site and then by Place. Each Place's schedule will appear separately and you can optionally choose to have each Place's schedule start on a new page.
Site, Place & Assignment¶
Choose Site, Place & Assignment if you want the schedule to list all scheduled volunteers and/or unfilled openings for the date range selected organized by Site, then by Place, and then by Assignment. Each Assignment's schedule will appear separately and you can optionally choose to have each Assignment's schedule start on a new page.
Choose Cluster if you want the schedule to list all scheduled volunteers and/or unfilled openings for the date range selected organized by Cluster. Each Cluster's schedule will appear separately and you can choose to have each Cluster's schedule start on a new page. Each Assignment will appear below the Cluster it is associated with regardless of the Site and Place it is located under.
If you need more information on Assignment Clusters, please see the Create Assignment Clusters help topic.
Cluster, Site, Place & Assignment¶
Choose Cluster, Site, Place & Assignment if you want the schedule to list all scheduled volunteers and/or unfilled openings for the date range organized by Cluster and then by Site, Place & Assignment. Each Assignment's schedule will appear separately and you can optionally choose to have each Assignment's schedule start on a new page. Clusters that have Assignments under two different Sites and/or Places will have these Assignment's schedules listed separately.
If you need more information on Assignment Clusters, please see the Create Assignment Clusters help topic.
Choose Volunteer if you want the schedule report to show the schedules arranged by the volunteer's name. You can optionally choose to have each volunteer's schedule start on a new page. Use the settings on the Include tab of this report to control which volunteers are included in this report. When this option is selected, you will not see the controls for including unfilled openings below because only schedules for volunteers can be included.
Page breaks:¶
Select this option to control whether or not the schedule for each new section of the report starts on a new page. Use the Group schedules by options above to control how the sections of the report are arranged. The Page breaks option is not available when All together is selected in the Group schedules by options.
Choose the time periods for the way you would like to organize the information in your Schedule report.
Monthly calendar¶
Choose Monthly calendar if you want the schedule to cover one calendar month. You will be able to select which month is included on the Include tab.
Weekly calendar¶
Choose Weekly calendar if you want the schedule to cover a one week period. You will be able to select which week is included on the Include tab.
Daily list¶
Choose Daily list if you want the schedule to cover one day or a range of dates. You will be able to select which day or date range is included on the Include tab.
Include the schedule for these days of the week:¶
Check the boxes for the days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) you want to have included in the report. Use this to make the schedule less complicated if the assignments you're interested in only occur on certain days. For example, you might have an assignment that only takes place on weekdays so you could choose not to include Saturday and Sunday in the report.
This option is only available if the Monthly calendar or Weekly calendar formats are selected in the Format section above.
Start with:¶
Choose the day of the week you want the monthly or weekly schedule to start on from the dropdown table. This setting will not have any effect unless the day of the week selected here is also selected to be included in the report. For example, if you choose not to include Sunday in the Include the schedule for these days of the week option, then choosing Sunday here will not have any effect. The report will start on the next day of the week that is selected to be included.
This option is only available if the Monthly calendar or Weekly calendar formats are selected in the Format section above.
Use the settings in this section to control the appearance of your schedule. This option is only available if the Monthly calendar or Weekly calendar formats are selected in the Format section above.
Create separate rows for each shift time¶
This option adds a column for shift times to the schedule with a row of information showing the details for each shift. When this is selected, the shift times do not appear in the schedule cell showing the volunteer's name and the other assignment information. This option is only available when Weekly calendar is selected in the Format section above.
Omit days of the week that have no schedule times¶
Choose this option if you only want the schedule to show information for days of the week where volunteers are scheduled and/or there are unfilled openings. For example, if you have an assignment that does not have any volunteers scheduled or unfilled openings (depending on your selections) on Tuesday, Tuesday will not be shown on the schedule for this assignment when this option is selected.
Show schedule times bold¶
Choose this option to make the schedule times appear in bold on the report.
Show unfilled openings as:¶
These settings control how openings that do not have a volunteer scheduled to fill them will appear on the schedule. These options will not appear when Volunteer is selected in the Group schedules by section above.
A blank cell¶
Choose this if you want unfilled openings to appear as a blank cell on the schedule.
Choose this if you want unfilled openings to appear with the word Open in the cell on the schedule.
Omit unfilled openings¶
Choose this if you only want your schedule to show volunteers who are scheduled. Unfilled openings will not be shown when this is selected.
Show unfilled openings only¶
Choose this if you only want your schedule to show unfilled openings. Scheduled volunteers will not be shown when this is selected so the Fields tab will not include fields for selecting information about volunteers.
When you're finished choosing the Options for your report, click Next to continue to the next step.