Service Details Fields Tab¶
The Fields page appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the Fields page to choose the fields you want to appear on your Service Details report.
The fields that are provided on this page are dependent on the selections made on the Service Details report's Options tab. By default, the new report is organized by Site, Place & Assignment, and no volunteers are listed. Since volunteers are not listed, the Fields page does not include the volunteer record fields by default. Only the Choose the fields you want to appear in this report heading appears above the service measure, Unduplicated volunteer count and Blank column options. Choose which volunteer service measures to include, and whether an unduplicated volunteer count and blank column are necessary for your report.
If, on the report's Options page, the report was setup to be organized by Volunteer, or No was not the selection made next to the List volunteers? option, then the Fields page would appear differently. That is, in addition to the service measure fields, it would include the following sections:
For each service record include...¶
Above the service measure fields section, the Service Details report Fields page would contain the fields in the image below, to be included for each service record:
If you want your report to include notes entered for service entries, see the Add Service Notes to Reports help topic for more information.
For each volunteer include...¶
Beneath the service measure fields section of the Fields page, the volunteer record fields would be listed. Choose any fields you would like to appear on the report for each volunteer. Again, these field options are displayed only if you chose to include volunteers in the report.
Choose the fields for your report sparingly. Each field becomes a report column. You may choose more columns than can fit legibly from left to right a page. When this happens, Volgistics automatically extends your report to additional pages right before starting the next page down.
This report supports a maximum of 96 columns. If you choose more than 96 fields for your report, the 97th and subsequent fields are omitted.