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Service Summary Options Tab

The Options page appears when you create a new report or modify an existing report. Use the controls on this Options page to customize the structure of an Service Summary report.

Organize this report by

Choose the way you would like to organize the volunteer service information on this report.


Choose Volunteer if you want to see service summarized by volunteer.

Choosing Volunteer causes the report to list each volunteer, along with their service totals for the months, quarters, or years included in the report. The volunteer's name appears in the first column, followed by any additional fields you choose, and then the volunteer's service totals.

You also have the option to check And then by... to have each volunteer's service broken down by Assignment, Place, or Site. For example, if you check And then by and select Assignment, the report will list each of your volunteers and then each volunteer's Assignments with a service summary total. This is helpful if you want to see where volunteers serve over time.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each Volunteer. This is useful if you want to distribute the report to each volunteer.


Choose Site if you want to see service summarized by Site.

Choosing Site causes the report to list each Site in your database, followed by the volunteers who have service in (or are assigned to) an assignment under that Site. The Site name appears in the first report column, followed by the volunteer names, any additional fields you choose for the report, and then the volunteer's service totals for the months, quarters, or years included in the report.. The report can include a subtotal for each volunteer and Site.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each Site. This is useful if you want to distribute the report to each Site.

Site & Place

Choose Site & Place if you want to see service summarized by Place.

Choosing Site & Place causes the report to list each Site in your database, and all of the Places under each site. For each Place the report lists the volunteers who have service in (or are assigned to) an assignment under that Place. The Site name appears in the first report column, the Place name in the second column, followed by the volunteer names, any additional fields you choose for the report, and then the volunteer's service totals for the months, quarters, or years included. The report can include a subtotal for each volunteer, Place and Site.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each Site or Place. This is useful if you want to distribute the report to each Site or Place.

Site, Place & Assignment

Choose Site, Place & Assignment if you want to see service summarized by Assignment.

Choosing Site, Place & Assignment causes the report to list each Site in your database, all of the Places under each site, and all of the Assignments under each Place. For each Assignment the report lists the volunteers who have service in (or are assigned to) the assignment. The Site name appears in the first report column, the Place name in the second column, the Assignment name in the third column, followed by the volunteer names, any additional fields you choose for the report, and then the volunteer's service totals for the months, quarters, or years included in the report. The report can include a subtotal for each volunteer, Assignment, Place and Site.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each Site, Place, or Assignment. This is useful if you want to distribute the report to each Site, Place, or Assignment.


Choose Type if you want to see service summarized by volunteer Type.

The Type field appears in the Name box on the Core tab. It is usually used to show a volunteer's classification within major divisions in a volunteer program, such as 'adult,' 'junior,' 'regular,' 'student' and so forth. Choosing Type causes the report list each volunteer Type followed by the list of volunteers of that type and their service subtotals for the months, quarters, or years included in the report. The report can include a subtotal for each volunteer and Type.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each different Type.


Choose Cluster if you want to see service summarized by Assignment cluster.

Choosing Cluster causes the report to list each Cluster in your database, followed by the service under that Cluster. The Cluster name appears in the first report column, followed by the volunteer names (if you choose to include them), any additional fields you choose for the report, and then the volunteer's service totals for the time period included in the report. The report can include a subtotal for each volunteer and each Cluster.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each Cluster.

Cluster, Site, Place & Assignment

Choose Cluster, Site, Place & Assignment if you want to see service summarized by Assignment Cluster, as well as Site, Place and Assignment.

Choosing Cluster, Site, Place & Assignment causes the report to list each Cluster in your database in the first column, followed by each Site that has an Assignment in that Cluster, each Place under that Site with an Assignment in that Cluster, each Assignment under that Site and Place that is in that Cluster, the volunteers who have service under that Assignment (if you choose to include volunteer names), any additional fields you choose for the report, and then the volunteer's service totals for the time period included in the report. The report can include a subtotal for each volunteer and Cluster.

You can optionally choose for the report to start a new page for each Clusters' Sites, Places, or Assignments.

Summarize By

Select how the report should summarize the service information.

Fiscal year

Choose Fiscal year if you want volunteer service reported on a fiscal year basis. The report will include a set of columns for each fiscal year you choose to include in the report.

Calendar year

Choose Calendar year if you want volunteer service reported on a calendar year basis (that is, January through December). The report will include a set of columns for each calendar year you choose to include in the report.


Choose Quarter if you want volunteer service reported on a quarterly basis (that is, three month periods). The report will include a set of columns for each quarter you choose to include in the report.


Choose Month if you want volunteer service reported on a monthly basis. The report will include a set of columns for each month you choose to include in the report.

List volunteers?

Choose whether or not the report should list individual volunteers.


Choose No if you do not wish to have individual volunteer names and their service totals appear on the report. When you select no, the report includes only the service totals for the Site, Place, Assignment, or Type, depending on how you organize the report. This option does not appear if you organize the report by volunteer.

Only if they have service to report

Choose Only if they have service to report if you want to list just the volunteers who have one or more service entries during the time period the report covers. Volunteers who had no service during the time period are not listed.

Even if they do not have service to report

Choose this option if you want to list volunteers even if they have no service during the month(s) selected for the report.

If you organize the report by Site, Place, or Assignment, you must choose the Roles for which you want to include volunteers if they do not have any service to report. For example, choose 'Assigned' if you want the report to list volunteers whose role in a given Site, Place, or Assignment is Assigned, even if they do not have any service to report during the selected month(s). On the other hand, you would not choose 'Former' if you did not want the report to list volunteers whose role in a given Site, Place, or Assignment is Former and they do not have any service to report during the month(s) selected.

Sort volunteers by

Choose Name if you want volunteers listed alphabetically by last and first name. Choose PIN to list volunteers numerically according to their volunteer number. Choosing PIN does not automatically cause the report to include the PIN field, however you can add the field to the report on the Fields window when you create or modify the report.

White space

Choose More if you would like the report to include blank rows after each volunteer and other report break points. Choosing more white space may cause the report to have more pages, but it is generally easier to read. Choose Less if you do not want the report to include blank lines after each volunteer and at other report break points. Choosing less white space may cause the report to have fewer pages, but it is generally more difficult to read.


Check Grand totals at the bottom if you want the report to include a grand total for each column at the end of the report. If the report is summarized by month, grand totals appear for each month. If the report is summarized by quarter, grand totals appear for each quarter. If the report is summarized by year, grand totals appear for each year. This option does not appear if the report includes page breaks.

Check Include total columns if you want the report to include columns on the right side of the report with grand totals for each Site, Place, Assignment, Type or volunteer (depending upon how you organize the report), for the period of time included in the report. For example, if you include total columns on a monthly report for January 2024 through December 2024, the report will have an additional column with the sum of the service reported from January 2024 through December 2024.

Page breaks

Check Start a new page for... if you would like the report to start each new item on a new page. This option is tied to the way you organize the report. For example, if you organize the report by volunteer, you can make the report start each volunteer on a new page. Inserting page breaks is useful if you want to distribute individual sections of the report to others.

When you're finished choosing the options for your report click Next to continue to the next step.