Search Based on City¶
This help topic explains how to define a Set rule based on what city is recorded on the Core Tab in the volunteer record.
You create Set rules on the Set Definition page. If you're not already on the Set Definition page you can get there by choosing Sets from the menu, and then clicking the Create a new set button.
To create a Set of volunteers based on city, select Their city from the Include volunteers in this set based on dropdown list.
To find volunteers who have a specific city recorded in the City field, select Is and enter the city name in the Is field.
For example, to include all volunteers in the Set with Chicago recorded in their City field, define the rule as in the image below.
Note that you do not need to enter the complete city name. For example, if you entered Chi as the city the Set will return volunteers whose cities start with Chi such as Chicago, Chillicothe, and Chippewa Falls.
Is blank¶
To include volunteers whose City field is blank, select the Is blank option.